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As Christians and former collegiate athletes, founders Ryan & Erin Klein have spent their entire lives around the Church and in sports. Through playing, coaching, and spectating, they've grown to deeply understand the impact sports have on an athlete's mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual states. They've noticed the struggles that come with an athlete's desire to follow Jesus and live for Him. As intense and hectic as an athlete's life is, they knew something had to be done to help keep a focus on Jesus and inspire a seamless unity between faith and sports; something to not only empower athletes mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but also reach unevangelized individuals and spread the GospelThis is where Saintfuel comes into play and why its Mission and Vision were brought to life. 


Saintfuel is here to bridge the gap between faith and sports. An athlete's life is an exciting adventure, bringing with it a set of new challenges everyday. Through online resources to support mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and top-notch performance apparel (coming soon) to get an edge physically, Saintfuel invites every middle school, high school, collegiate, and professional athlete to co-create a seamless unity between faith and sports, to glorify Christ with his or her game, and to live a purpose-filled life For His Kingdom.

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To empower athletes to glorify Christ with their game and live purpose-filled lives For His Kingdom.


To create an atmosphere in every sport that glorifies Jesus Christ.

Core Values

All Glory Goes to God

Eternal Focused


Courageous Holiness

Service Excellence

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